Monday, December 21, 2015

Aluminum Rose w/ stem Project

Aluminum Rose Project

Question: What is an aluminum rose exactly? How is it created?

Josh: An aluminum rose is a replication of an actual rose created using aluminum cans!

Question: What materials and tools will I need?

Josh: For this DIY project you're going to need only a few materials and tools that can be required at any local convenience store. For materials you're going to need aluminum soda cans, tin foil, and a wooden stick (or any thin stick that is sturdy). And as for tools you're going to need a scissor, and glue gun. 

Question: How do I get started in creating my aluminum rose? 

Josh: First you want to gather your cans, pour all of the beverage out of the can, and later rinse the cans making sure the can is completely clean.

Question: How do I continue on to cutting the cans in order to start forming the aluminum rose pedals?

Josh: To begin you start cutting along the middle of the can with your scissor all the way across, essentially cutting the can completely in half. Repeat this same process until all the cans are cut in half as depicted in the picture above.

Question: After cutting all the cans in half, what do I do to continue on to make my rose pedals for my aluminum rose? 

Josh: You then cut the top and bottom parts off of each can for they would not be needed for the project. After completing that you can then cut the middle part of the can in half creating a strip of aluminum. 

Question: What shape do I cut the rose peddles in order to achieve a good looking aluminum rose bud?

Josh: Out of the aluminum strip you earlier created out of the aluminum you then will cut a circle with slits in three or more sides in order to achieve the affect of an actual rose pedal. Repeat this same process 3 times and another 3 more times with 3 small circles to better close in the rose bud when formed. Also make sure you cut a hole out in the middle of each pedal as that will be the place where the stem will later go in through and hold all the pedals in place.

Question: How do I get my pedals to look more three dimensional and less flat? 

 Josh: With the slits created you will need at least one slit to go down into the center meeting the hole you created for the stem and pull both ends of the slit closer together causing them to overlap and form the three dimensional affect of the pedal. Then secure the pedal with glue using a hot glue gun or any strong glue that will hold well.

Question: How do I create the stem?

 Josh: It's very simple to create the stem and really all you need to do is cover the wooden stick or whatever stick you are using for the stem and cover it in tin foil and you're done. 

Question: How do I form the rose bud with the peddles and keep them secure?

Josh: With the wooden stick that you covered in aluminum foil you thread it through each pedal leaving excess wood on the top that you will then place an aluminum foil ball on to secure the pedals in place and prevent the stick or pedals from moving. And with that final step you're done and successfully created a rose made completely out of aluminum! 

Question: Are there any alternatives to using cans? 

Josh: Yes there is! Really you can use any object that is made up of aluminum with some being even easier to cut and manage like this aluminum lid I found laying around my house :)